Media converters and serial servers

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RUGGEDCOM media converters and serial device servers offer a range of benefits from reduced installation, configuration and management costs to improved ROI on legacy devices.

  • RUGGEDCOM RMC family
    • Bridging the gap. Our RUGGEDCOM family of RMC media converters are designed to bridge the gap between different types of network segments, speeds and protocols. This reduces installation and configuration costs.
    • Time to cut costs. The RUGGEDCOM RMC8388 is a compact time protocol converter that saves on installation and configuration costs.
  • RUGGEDCOM RS400 family
    • Utility-grade serial device servers. These RUGGEDCOM serial device servers are designed for harsh environments.
    • The intelligent connection. A utility-grade, serial device server with an integrated, fully managed Ethernet switch, the RUGGEDCOM RS910 can connect multiple intelligent electronic devices (IEDs) using different communication protocols.